Align your Business & Relationship to Create Abundance - Together.

We're Mike and Lisa, a Kiwi-British couple living in beautiful Aotearoa New Zealand.  Because of our individual life journeys, and our business story as a couple, and family business owner, we decided to bring our skills and life experiences together, to support others to thrive in life by finding the magic of their dynamic and using it to create abundance in business - whatever that means to them.

It hasn't always been easy.  We've struggled.  In life, and in love and business. 

In 2022 it became clear to us that being aligned or misaligned led to losses and wins at different times in our businesses.

Harmony or disharmony.

So, why this?

Being in business together as a couple, or as family members, has greater potential for misalignment because of the inherent intertwining of personal and professional relationships.

When everyone’s pulling in different directions in family business partnerships, it can feel isolating and progress feels impossible.

We want to make a difference for couples and families with how they feel as they experience life where love and business collide.  Because we know how tough it can be.

Our simple resources, that we wish we'd had in our journey of being in business together, are a game-changer for the business leaders we work with. 

We'd love to meet you in our coaching community, so come on in!

Getting it together, together...

Lis & Mike

How did ekoYOU get started?

From coaching and supporting others with tools we created, and then writing a book, How to be Yourself, in 2014, we saw the makings of a business that could support others if we put everything we had learned together. Time goes fast, life can be tough, as well as short!  Along with our unique life experiences, perspectives, life and business coaching skills and professional work over three decades to support organisations and individuals through change, we’re doing what we feel pulled to do.

Harness the Power of Your Family Relationships to Strengthen Your Life and Business.

Be aspirational and inspired as you transform the way you think about your life as a couple or family in business together; you’ll never be the same again! And we’ll support you all the way.

If you have the desire and the will to change up your life and your business for the better, we’re ready to support you on your self-defined transformational journey. You deserve to spend some intentional time with yourself to grow and develop, unlearn and relearn, as you assemble a toolkit for life and business.

If you're ready to see more calm, harmony and profits we'll help you unlock the full potential of your relationship and all that being in business together means.

Building An Abundant Business - Whatever That Means To You

Starting and running a business as a couple or family can be incredibly rewarding, both financially and personally. And it should be about creating a business that not only provides wealth but alsoRead more

Own Your Vision: Stop Seeking Validation!

Your vision is yours and yours alone. You don't need to seek validation for it. You're here now, with countless options before you. Let's call your ultimate goal your North Star. You've created thisRead more

A Vital Practice for Couples in Business

In the high-stakes world of entrepreneurship, couples who run businesses together often find themselves juggling multiple responsibilities simultaneously, leaving not much time or space to look afterRead more

The Transformative Power of a Values Exercise

Over the years, I've engaged in a number of values exercises, each time hoping to gain deeper insight into what truly motivates and guides me. However, these attempts often left me feeling uncertainRead more

Never-ending Work Day

In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, the line between work and personal life often blurs, especially for couples running businesses together. The once sacred dining table transforms into aRead more

ekoYOU’s 5 Steps to Self-Care and Relaxation

Have you ever wondered how the entrepreneurial superstars of the world manage to fit everything in? People like Richard Branson, Ariana Huffington, Oprah? While there’s no written formula for it,Read more

Daily Truthful Actions

Daily Truthful Actions (DTAs), a concept created by ekoYOU, are the actions we believe you need to take every day to make the changes you want in your life. Choose the Daily Truthful Actions thatRead more

Six steps to overcoming self-doubt

1. Let go of everyone else’s opinion.  You inhibit yourself, when you care about what everyone else is thinking of you. You’d rather not do anything and not get judged, than do something andRead more

Is it time to course-correct?

Knowing whether you are on the right path or not is something you feel inside. Bringing that feeling out will help create action against your fears that want to keep you safe. You’ll move out of yoRead more